Captain's log 98.11.3.

Every attempt has been made to locate the source of the gallactic sound that has the crew on the verge of mental breakdown. It also is causing a neural breakdown which threatens the lives of my crew and their families.

I am responsible for over 1200 people on this ship. Steps must be taken to assure their safety.

I am concerned, however, that a whole planet lies beneath us and we could be readying to destroy all of them.

The graflas have stated several times in the past few days that they are not the cause of the sound. They also claim they have no way of helping it to end. Every indication is that the sound eminates from the planet.

I have called several meetings with the crew. I wanted them to do all they could to help solve this mystery and to provide their recommendations as to a solution. I need to rely on their insights in this matter, since it involves us all.

The klingons are convinced the graflas are the cause of the sounds and are using them to cause our destruction. The vulcans seem to agree but feel as though there is more to it than that. I tend to agree that there may indeed be something that we are missing.But what?End log.

Captain's log 98.11.8.

I have just recieved orders from Admiral Phashaun that we have one more chance to contact the graflas. If we can not put a stop to it now, we are to fire upon them in less than 4 hours.

I have Commander Vanpall speaking to them now. He is more capable of keeping calm in this situation, being Vulcan.

I pray we will come to a resolve without violence.


The beginning

The tale continues

The Sensor's room

Sunartia's council room

The Federation

The Outsider

The Klingon klan


Following the Conflict��NEXT IN THE STORY

The podlings

The Conclusion?

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