The presence which had been silent for so long was creating a great lonely noise. It was trying desperately to make these people of the stars understand.

The travel had been many millions of light years to find a species to befriend. Left alone at birth because of a terrible tragedy in its galaxy, the need was for companionship and comforting.

The presence had no way of knowing that the gallactic noise it was making could be the death of all of the creatures it tried so hard to sing to. Singing was the only communication it knew. The song was long and lonely. The wailing grew as it tried ever harder to relieve the pain of such loneliness from within itself. The presence could not seem to stop! The silence had gone on for longer than the presence could remember.


The beginning

The tale continues

The Sensor's room

Sunartia's council room

The Federation��Previous page

The Klingon Klan��NEXT IN THE STORY

The Opinion

The Captain's response

Following the conflict

The Podlings

The Conclusion?

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This web site created and maintained by Mareshah B. Neel Copyright(c)1998,1999, 2000, 2001 All Rights Reserved.
The story is copyright(c)1998 Mareshah B. Neel All Rights Reserved.