Where shall I begin to tell of my world as it is today? How can I describe all of the changes and all of our great losses?

We are working to rebuild of course. That is a great change because the materials we use now are nothing like those we lost. Our stone has lost is color and it is far too hard now to work with. Our sky which was a wonderful salice color all day, has faded to a pale yurion. We constantly have electrical storms. The bright oragus and geerans of the land have all gone to a strange bluron. It is hard to look at now.

The hardest part of it all, is the loss of the holies. Our old ones, the young graflas, and our podlings were sent to the high temple. We were sure they would be safe on the sacred grounds.

The aliens thought it was a place of gathering for war. They destroyed all of it. We mourn a deep sorrow.

Our doctors have just told us that we have been poisoned by the skies. We can no longer bear podlings. We have none younger than 1500.

Our world will die in 8000 years. Unless we can find a cure or another means of continuance. What are we to do?

Can you help the graflas to continue?
We need ideas for the federation doctors.
Please give us your ideas so the world will not end.
E-mail us or sign the guestbook and let us know.
Save a world!

Email me on:
[email protected]


The beginning

The tale continues

The Sensor's room

Sunartia's council room

The Federation

The Outsider

The Klingon klan

The Opinion

The Captain's response

Following the conflict

The Podlings




NOTE:Most of the graphics used on these pages are freeware or public domain.
Any that are used with permission will have copyright listed.
If you see any that need to be removed please let me know.

This web site created and maintained by Mareshah B. Neel Copyright(c)1998,1999, 2000, 2001 All Rights Reserved.
The story is copyright(c)1998 Mareshah B. Neel All Rights Reserved.